LCAP is..- A comprehensive planning tool to support and enhance local student learning.
- A 3 year plan that is revised each year, based on local student needs.
- Approved and overseen by the County Office of Education.
For Jurupa community, the benefits include: - Focused funding to improve services for all students.
- Broader measurements of school success, including an emphasis on positive learning environments.
- More local control over budget and programs.
High-Quality Instruction and Curriculum
- Implementing the Common Core State Standards
| - Setting groundwork for the Next Generation Science Standards
| - Ensuring robust arts, enrichment and Career Technical Education Opportunities
Professional Learning
- K-12 instructional coaches model academic lessons and classroom leadership dristrict-wide
| - Special assignment: JUSD teachers who double as tech experts and coaches support peers at every school with curriculum and technology integration
| - JUSD models a culture of continuous learning for everyone
Assessment, Data Analysis, and Monitoring
- Ensuring alignment between Common Core standards and student assessment
| - Providing the technology for 21st century learning, modern skill development and career readiness
Safe and Orderly School Environment
- Upgrading security and modernizing facilities with school bond proceeds
| - Annually updating safe school plans in case of emergency
| - Teaching behavioral responses to help students address problems constructively
Academic and Behavior Interventions
- Intensive instruction to help all students read at grade level
| - Award-winning comprehensive supports for students struggling the most
| - Modern learning platforms such as online high school
| - A focus on success for all students, from the most at-risk to the most advanced
Parent, Student, and Community Engagement
- Connecting parents and students to community and school resources such as health care and ESL classes
| - Helping parents become more involved decision makers in their children's education
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